
Posted by GaelicPerformance on 21st Jul 2014

If Management

If Statements in Computer Programming dictate the flow of a Computer  Programme. IF some condition is met then something else happens

Lets take an example:

if ( user <= 18 ) {

system.out.println(" You are still a minor, come back next year to play Senior")


system.out.println(" Put on your jersey and get playing")


This simple program, sees what age the person is and prints out an appropriate message

If we apply similar logic to the management of a game, then we can use a similar way of thinking:

if ( They play an effective sweeper, ) {

system.out.println(" We play only 1 player in the Full Forward Line")


This simple statement indicates to the manager what they should do in certain circumstances, i.e. Dictate the flow of the game.

When you break it down, every management decision is an IF Statement. While it is impossible to cover every eventuality, the trick is to have planned for as many as you can, especially "the big moments", as it will help focus decision making during the game. The other part to ensure that your players can carry out your instructions quickly and effectively, which takes hours on the training pitch.